Saturday, December 29, 2012

Our Spiritual Guru: The Incarnation of Para Itself

A true guru is not an ordinary spiritual teacher, but one who has attained union with God and is therefore qualified to lead others to that goal.

           Dr. V. Milton Prabakaran was a unique man of wisdom and simplicity. He had a PhD degree in Botany at St. Joseph College, Trichy. He is a master of life and living values. He learned, felt, experienced, and enjoyed from his life. According to him the whole universe is his Guru. He wanted to give a ‘Rupa’ – (shape) for it, so that everyone can be benefited. That’s how the five year old Bala with Dhandayutha descend to earth as Raja Guru. His main inspiration is Raja guru, whom he calls as his friend, philosopher and guide. His other great inspirations are Agasthiyar, Bogar, Pulipani,Goraknath and other siddhas, Buddha, Jesus, Sathru Samhara swamigal, Arumuga Swamigal, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Sri Aurobindo. He meditated intensely and spoke with all these philosophers.

He won’t teach meditation/ dyana or other yogic kriyas directly. First he will read the person and then will treat him according to his maturity. He always expresses his ideas about bakthi. According to him a yogi may do mistakes. A sathak may fall to some attractions of this existing world. But a baktha won’t fall prey to any of these miseries. Because according to baktha, God is one and all and one in all. Baktha won’t even care about himself. For him his deity is his savior. Hence he neither falls nor do mistakes. He is just worshiping that’s all. And for him his every action is worshiping.

          That’s why he will encourage bakthi. He just enkindled the sense of worshiping. He won’t use bombastic theories/ Siddhanthas or terminologies. His way is unique. He just made everyone to pray in their own way. He never forced any one to pray on his way. He makes everyone to sit first and express what he wants before Rajaguru. His own guru-muruga, looks like Dhandayuthapani of Palani. For many days many of us had a confusion that his Rajaguru as Dhandayuthapani of Palani.

           He revealed the secret of Rajaguru in his later days to some persons to certain extent. Till now we don’t know what Rajaguru is all about. Rajaguru and Sri Guru Milton are still a hidden secret for all of us. After some days of observing a person, he will make him to perform dyana. Remember he won’t tell the technique of it or steps of it. According to him dyana is dyana itself. It is the being of the self itself.

            Some people asked him that they don’t know to perform dyana. He will make them to sit before him and feel themselves. He always proclaims not to care about thoughts. “Let it be. It is the nature of your mind. Be with me. That’s all”. And yes it will make you to enjoy and taste it. He will see what the things are happening inside you – as sakshi bootha – The observer.

            He took us to various temples all over India and made us to feel the vibration. He used to inquire each one of us and understand the level of us and obstacles which are facing then and there even now.

             He will slam our egos in order to put our knowledgeable mind outside his Presence. He simply says, “Oh! My friends, the divinity the so called nature power is ready to pour on you all the day all the time without break. Hence be ready to accept it without wasting any time”. Our pre- occupied thoughts and pre-acquired knowledge are the greater hindrances to feel and enjoy the divinity inside us.

            Love and flowers are always pure. Hence they will lead you to the divinity. He made us to decorate our Rajaguru with various flowers and taught us to love our Rajaguru as a five year old little boy (called as ‘BALA’). He ever feels that Rajaguru is standing with him as blood and skin and also made us to feel so. It helped us to feel one another bond with love.

             He is not a kind of person who smashes his problematic targets. He will attack the base root of it. And make sure that the same problem will not arise thereafter. He is very peculiar. He never forced any one to follow him. He showed various gurus and various schools of thoughts like Buddha, Lao-tzu, and Zen and so on.
             He wanted everyone to be in their conscious state. That’s all. Whatever may be your school of thought; your consciousness will lead you to the eternity. That is “THE SELF” itself.

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